Win Heaven On Earth Points when you recycle empty vapes as electronics... and more!

Win Heaven On Earth Points when you discard empty vapes in a collection box (to be recycled as electronics), instead of throwing them in the trash can!

What are Heaven On Earth Points?

Watch the next short videos for a quick introduction! Pick your answer to the quiz seen on the bags, but also to ‘What Is Love?’

           E A R T H I S ?

            L O V E I S ?



Want to know more...

… about Heaven On Earth Points?

No problem! Click here to read the free eco-scavenger hunt material & to find out everything about H.O.E.P.! Even consider going out on the route if you are in New York City!

Have you answered the quiz? Bonus Riddle -> you might think that you didn’t, but you did it! ; ) E A R T H I S ?